Visible Spectrophotometer F-VISS101

Home Spectrophotometer Visible Spectrophotometer Visible Spectrophotometer F-VISS101

Visible Spectrophotometer F-VISS101

Visible Spectrophotometer F-VISS101 is a single beam spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 340-1020nm and wavelength repeatability of 1nm. Equipped with a bandwidth of 6 nm for peak resolution, it works on detection of light intensity between reference and test sample. The highly stable optics and silicon photodiode detector measures the sample and reference simultaneously optimizing the measurement accuracy. The simple design of the product makes model an ideal tool for everyday usage purpose.

Optical systemSingle beam, grating 1200 lines/mm
Wavelength range340nm ~ 1020nm
Spectral bandwidth6 nm
Wavelength accuracy±3 nm
Wavelength repeatability1 nm
Photometric accuracy± 1% T
Photometric repeatability0.5 % T
Photometric range0-200%T, -0.3-3A
Stray light0.5 % T
Baseline flatness± 0.002 A
Noise± 0.001A
Wavelength settingmanual
DisplayLED screen
Light SourceTungsten lamp
DetectorSilicon photo diode
Data outputRS232 port
PowerAC 220V / 50 Hz or AC 110V / 60 Hz
Dimension520*450*320 mm
Weight10 kg

LED display for visual optimization and access to a range of functions

Wavelength ( 340 to 1020 nm )

Spectral Bandwidth ( 6 nm )

Optical system – 1200 lines/mm gratings

Silicon photo diode detector

Output source - RS232 port

Source of light – Tungsten lamp

Used widely in universities and colleges, food and beverage production and quality control, agricultural monitoring etc. medical testing, food, petrochemical industry, environmental protection and monitoring and other fields.

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